The Crucial Role of Sunlight, Vitamin D and your Ear Health 

The Crucial Role of Sunlight, Vitamin D and your Ear Health 

Do you want to optimize your health so that you never have to worry about tinnitus or frustrating ear-conditions again? I wonder if you have made the link between lack of exposure to sunlight and ill-health? 

Scientific research has found that there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and tinnitus. Findings suggest that a large proportion of tinnitus patients suffers from vitamin D deficiency. 

As you know, our greatest source of natural Vitamin D is the sunlight. Now, it’s really unfortunate that exposure to sunlight has been given a bad rap over the last few decades, when in fact the sun is crucial to our staying healthy and energized. 

Vitamin D is often overlooked in its vital role to keep us healthy. It is needed to regulate many cellular functions in the body, acting to support anti-inflammatory responses, nerve cells, muscle function, and brain cell activity, as well as the immune system. It’s also very helpful in keeping away viruses, bacteria, and supporting the cells to create and use energy in an efficient way. 

When you think about it, the sun’s system of photosynthesis is the support system for most of Earth’s food chain. 

It’s not surprising that it’s essential for our cellular structures too. 

Sadly, many of us spend so much time indoors under artificial lights, especially those of us in northern climates with little sunlight during many months. We miss out on these crucial factors that our immune system really requires to work optimally. Our human bodies need the full spectrum of the sun’s rays to produce vitamin D.

Vitamin D is not actually really a vitamin, it is a hormone that is naturally created in our skin cells, and used for biochemical processes. It’s a seriously overlooked nutrient, and can cause a myriad of health issues when you are deficient, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, mental illness, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases, even cancer. 


So, obviously we still need to be careful in the sun and choose our moments of exposure carefully. Nobody wants to burn or cause skin damage, as that can also lead to health issues. 

Depending on your skin type and tolerance, you should build up to receiving sunlight on your bare skin over time. 

A wonderful thing to do is to be out in early morning light, as this also support a healthy circadian rhythm, and allows you to get the benefits of vitamin D without the fear of burning. 

If you can combine that early morning sunlight with some barefoot grounding on grass or sand, you will supercharge your health and benefit not only the health of your ears but your entire immune system will thank you for it! 

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